Meet our VOICE Trainers

Kaitia Coby
My name is Kaitia Coby. I have been with Flagler Hospital for a little over one year as Manager of Patient Financial Services. Before joining Flagler, I worked in healthcare for more than 12 in various capacities. I have my BA in psychology with a minor in healthcare administration. I volunteered for VOICE because I've worked in other facilities that implemented similar programs and witnessed first-hand the impact they had on staff, partners and patient care - and I wanted to be part of the implementation and success VOICE will have on Flagler Hospital. I have always been an advocate for communication and feel VOICE will help all employees of Flagler communicate better with each other, partners and most importantly our patients, thus, giving us another tool to provide quality healthcare to our community. Outside of work, I enjoy gardening and watching my son play baseball.

Donna DeGennaro
Hello, my name is Donna DeGennaro, DNP, RN, CRNI, BC-VA. I am the Director of Infusion Services at Flagler Hospital. I have been in the healthcare field for 20 years and every day I am learning something new, but the highlight of being a nurse is the gratification I feel when giving compassionate care to others. As a child I was taught the "Golden Rule"- treat people the way you want to be treated-with RESPECT. I have always lived by this rule and passed it on down to my sons. The VOICE gives me the opportunity to share and communicate the "Golden Rule" with others. I feel by teaching VOICE, I can help give our healthcare professionals the tools they need to interact with each other and our patients and family members. Giving the power to make a change in the healthcare field is rewarding in itself. Having the opportunity to share that power is indescribable. Outside of work, I love the water and during the summer I convert over to a "Scallopologist", meaning I go scalloping!
Robert Dickinson

Hi, my name is Robert Dickinson RN, BSN. I am the Director of Mental Health at Flagler Hospital. I am originally from Pittsburgh, PA. I have several years of experience on a Med/Surg-Step-down/Tele floor at Mercy Hospital of Pgh. From there, I spent a few years working in the ER at Jefferson Regional Medical Center. Before landing here at Flagler, I experienced a short stint working as a Ship's Nurse aboard Norwegian's Dawn of the Seas. Prior to returning to school for Nursing, I earned an Associates in Electronic Technology and completed a Bachelors of Information Systems. Highlights before my nursing career include being employed as a key holder for UHAUL, tech manager at a Dialysis clinic, and IT specialist and network engineer. I returned to school for nursing following the big Internet bubble burst of the early 2000's. I received my ADN through Community College of Allegheny County and I hold a BSN from California University of Pennsylvania. I love nursing and returning to school to become a nurse is the best decision I have ever made. I am currently working toward my MBA-Healthcare through American Sentinel University. I support Patients VOICE because I understand that staff is the number one key to high patient satisfaction and patient outcomes. The staff holds the power to ensure Flagler remains a great hospital. In my free time, I enjoy ballroom dance, cooking and Disney World.

Laurie Gilmore
I am a Physical Therapist with 36 years of experience in a variety of healthcare settings. I have been the Director of Rehab Services at Flagler Hospital for 28 years. It has always been second nature for me to approach coworkers, patients, and families in a manner that takes into account the whole person, and I believe 100% in Patient Centered Care. I also believe that to create the best work environment for all of us, we need to take care of each other and work as a team. I am very excited about the VOICE program because of its focus on Communication, Collaboration, Respect and Empathy. I like that there are 10 clinics that continue to build on themes that will enable us to deliver the highest quality of care to our patients and work better together. I also like that there are measurable accountability standards for all employees and that coaches are empowered to work with staff to improve and build on the standards on an ongoing basis - even after staff have completed all 10 clinics. On a personal note, I am happily married to a wonderful man. I have two grown sons, who I am so very proud of, and two grandsons who are the light of my life!
Martin Gutelius

I am fortunate to have had many opportunities to pursue many interests throughout my career. After I earned my B.A. from Edinboro University, I worked in public service as a Park Ranger. I went on to earn my MS from the University of Akron and worked in education for many years, teaching various subjects in science within public schools, colleges, and in an outdoor education setting. Today, I am very excited about my role in the Patient Engagement Department and working to ensure all of our patients and families have the best possible experience. I think the skills we are teaching in the VOICE classes will have a positive impact throughout every area of the hospital and improve communication among employees, as well as with our patients. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, kayaking, working out, and continuing my pursuit of lifelong learning.

Colleen Hobin
Hi, my name is Colleen Hobin. I have enjoyed working at Flagler Hospital for almost eleven years. It is exciting to see us changing, growing and moving forward - and I plan to be here for the journey! I came to Flagler with 20 years of sales, marketing and business development experience, as well as a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design from Ringling College of Art & Design. I enjoy teaching the VOICE clinics because I truly believe in what these clinics have to offer everyone. The skills we are learning together support the philosophy that I have always lived by – building positive relationships through communication, empathy and a positive outlook. The picture I chose to share is of me with one of our breast cancer patients, Harriet, who told me how much better she felt knowing that everyone at Flagler was working together as a team to help her get better. In my spare time, I love going to the gym – especially Zumba – and spending time with my friends and family. I have two adorable nephews and the only rules I give them are: #1-Always Smile and #2-Always to be polite. My goal is to keep enjoying teaching the clinics and meeting everyone!
James Sommer

My name is James Sommer, and my healthcare experience began as a 15-year-old volunteer at the Mayo Clinic. I recenlt completed my Masters in Healthcare Administration in August of this year. I have a background in sports medicine and have worked in the areas of outpatient rehabilitation, orthopedics, DME, and possess field experience in athletics, ranging from middle school to professional. I have treated a vast range of patients from the 15-year-old athlete, to the 85-year-old with severe limitations. Patient education was always a vital part of my job and I personally believe that the most empowering thing a healthcare professional can do, is empower their patients. I have recently moved to St. Augustine with my wife, Jackie, and new baby, Heidi and we absolutely love the community.
Sarah Whedbee
I am a proud to be a Lead Pharmacy Technician at Flagler Hospital. Along with being the Lead Pharmacy Technician, I am also a registered and certified Pharmacy Technician. I am fortunate to work with a great team of employees on a daily basis. When the opportunity came to be a part of the voice training team, I jumped right in. This is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to learn new skills in the way we deal with our co/workers, patients and even family. The voice program is already making a difference in the way I communicate with co-workers and family. It has been an excellent tool to help people express their VOICE, not to change their VOICE. When I am not working, I am spending time with my husband and the last two of our seven children that are still at home.